The Ireland Branch held its 2023 AGM online in mid-December. The Chair opened the meeting and gave a detailed overview of the current membership and the events that the branch was involved in over the course of the year.
The figures for branch membership have increased by a staggering 58% since 2022. We currently have 101 members across all grades, plus 3 corporate members. These figures are extremely positive and will hopefully continue to grow steadily in all sectors of the industry on an annual basis.
During 2023, the branch organised two events and was present at two shows. We held a practical workshop in spring and a CAVAT training day in both Dublin and Belfast in autumn (see above). In addition, we had stands at the GLAS 2023 Show (Garden Landscape Amenity Sports Turf) held at the National Basketball Arena, Dublin and the two-day Biodiversity Festival & Honey Show held in the Phoenix Park, Dublin.
2023 was also the first year that Ireland, through the Ireland Branch of the Association, became an official member of the European Arboricultural Council (EAC). Becoming a member of the EAC is excellent for the arboricultural industry in Ireland and provides a great opportunity for the branch to collaborate with other member states and participate in working groups for the new EAC standards that are being produced.
Following the Chair’s report, the Treasurer, Anne Merkel, provided the Account Summary for 2022: over the course of the year, there was a slight increase in funds. All branch members can view the Account Summary for 2022 in the Ireland Branch section of the Association’s website.
Following the annual reports, the Election of Officers was carried out. Charles McCorkell and Anne Merkel will remain in their respective roles as Chair and Treasurer, while Joe McConville has stepped down as Secretary and the position has been filled by Michael Yallop.
Before closing the meeting, the Chair thanked the current committee members for all their hard work and commitment over the past year and welcomed the new Secretary. The AGM was recorded and will be made available to all branch members. It can be viewed online in the Ireland Branch section of the Association’s website.
This article was taken from Issue 204 Spring 2024 of the ARB Magazine, which is available to view free to members by simply logging in to the website and viewing your profile area.