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Representing Arboriculture

As part of our responsibility to represent and advance the Arboriculture industry, we are involved on several government and non-government bodies. We are regularly taking part in consultation and development of standards on Arboricultural issues and amenity tree care in related sectors.

Arboricultural Association members are part of the following councils, bodies and committees:

Action Oak

Action Oak

Emma Gilmartin

All-Party Parliamentary Gardening and Horticulture Group (APPGHG)

John Parker

Ash Dieback Health and Safety Taskforce

Michael Sankus & John Parker

British Standards Institution (BSI)

British Standards Institution (BSI)

B/213 Trees John Parker

The Arboricultural Association has played a significant role over the years in the development of British Standards from BS 3998:2010 to BS 5837:2012. The goal of the B/213 Trees committee is to plan, programme and co-ordinate standardisation for trees and tree work, resourcing and organizing the structure and work necessary to produce and maintain the standards.

European Arboricultural Council

European Arboricultural Council

Jonathan Cocking, Charles McCorkell & John Parker

Association representatives have regularly attended European Arboricultural Council meetings and will continue to do so with the aim of working together to improve the profession. The goal of the EAC is to elevate the status and to raise the professional level of competence within arboriculture. This objective is carried out by liaising on matters ranging from research and education to successful tree establishment and the improvement of safe working practices.

Download the EAC leaflet

European Arboricultural Council

European Forum on Urban Forestry

John Parker

HSE Arboriculture and Forestry Advisory Group

HSE Arboriculture and Forestry Advisory Group

Simon Richmond & Andy Gardner

AFAG is an advisory group of the Health and Safety Executives (HSE’s) Agriculture Industry Advisory Committee (AIAC) and meets twice a year. Several project groups have been set up to tackle specific issues.

London Urban Forest Group

John Parker

National Highways Sector Scheme 18

National Highways Sector Scheme 18

Martin Lennon

The National Highways Sector Scheme 18 (NHSS18) is the customised management system for landscaping and the environment (including ecology) and is a mandatory requirement for all contractors working for Highways England and other infrastructure providers.

National Tree Safety Group

National Tree Safety Group

Simon Richmond

The National Tree Safety Group (NTSG) is composed of a number of organisations with an interest in tree risk management. The group came together in August 2007 to discuss the need for a nationally recognised approach to tree safety management. Early in the discussions one issue became the priority for the NTSG. This was the provision of guidance that is proportionate to the risk posed by trees and defendable rather than defensive.

OPM Advisory Group

John Parker & Simon Richmond

Environmental Horticulture Group

Environmental Horticulture Group

John Parker, Alan Simson (Planning & Infrastructure Subcommittee)

The UK’s gardening, landscaping, arboriculture and environmental horticulture sectors have come together to relaunch the industry group with the aim of championing the sector with the government. EHG aims to champion UK gardens, landscaping, arboriculture and environmental horticulture and push the government for greater support for the sector.

Plant Health Alliance

Plant Health Alliance

John Parker & Keith Sacre

The Plant Health Alliance is a cross-sectoral group of organisations spanning ornamental horticulture, forestry and general land management, it includes trade associations, environmental NGOs and government agencies. The purpose of the Alliance is to promote and enhance plant health and biosecurity measures to protect plant species and associated ecosystems (natural capital) in the United Kingdom and beyond.

Scottish Tree Health Advisory Group

William Hinchliffe & Fiona Melville

Society for the Environment

Society for the Environment

Jessica Palfreyman

The Society for the Environment is the body responsible for registration of environment professionals. We are the custodian of the Chartered Environmentalist and Registered Environmental Technician registers and since 2004 have established a sound platform as the body tasked with championing and registering the expertise of environmental professionals.

Trees and Design Action Group

Trees and Design Action Group

John Parker

TDAG brings together a pioneering group of individuals, professionals and organisations from wide ranging disciplines in both the public and private sectors to increase awareness of the role of trees in the built environment.

Partner organisations

Woodland Trust Charter for Trees


Perennial is the only charity in the UK helping all those who work in or are retired from horticulture and their dependent families. As a Perennial Partner we are committed to safeguarding all those who work in the UK horticulture industry.