
The ARB Show Open

Expression of Interest in Our Climbing Competitions

If you’re interested in taking part in one of our Tree Climbing Competitions, then give us your details!

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The ARB Show Open
Climbing Competition 2024

16–17 May 2025

Westonbirt, the National Arboretum, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8QS

The ARB Show Open Climbing Competition

Sponsored in 2024 by

Sponsored by Harkle

Booking Closed

The ARB Show Open Climbing Competition is run by a team of Arboricultural Association volunteers who want to try and help advance UK climbing practice and safety. With the help of lecturers, the team have been able to guide and educate hundreds of students, spreading best practice and raising industry standards at a grass roots level.

Open to all levels of climber

New Format from 2024

This year’s Open features a new format, giving all climbers the option to compete in the new ’10 Bell Tree Climbing challenge’, the Work Climb (ISA Rules) or both categories.

10 Bell Challenge

Ten Bell Challenge – Brief Overview

  1. The competition is a test of the climber’s ability to ascend, and move throughout the canopy of a tree.
  2. Ten workstations (bells) are set in the tree for the climber to visit and carry out a task mimicking a working arborist.
  3. Climbers are judged on safety, being secure at the workstation, management of slack in the climbing lines and correct route planning to and from the workstations.
  4. To score maximum points all ten bells must be rung; at each workstation the climber must be correctly lanyarded in, issue an audible warning (‘all clear’) and use two hands on a handsaw to ring the bell. Judges’ discretionary points may be awarded for good work positioning, maintaining a tight lanyard and good route planning.

Work Climb

Work Climb – Brief Overview

The Work Climb Event tests the competitor’s ability to move throughout the tree using approved tree climbing equipment, and is based on the ISA international tree climbing competition rules. The event setup is the same for all competitors. Each competitor starts from a staging area in the tree and is required to visit five workstations throughout the tree, performing a specified task at each station. Each station in the tree is equipped with a bell (or horn); the competitor shall ring the bell (or sound the horn) before continuing to the next station.

Points are scored by successfully completing the tasks described at each station and ringing the bell (or sounding the horn) with either a handsaw, pole pruner, or hand, as indicated. At certain stations, additional/bonus points can be earned. Competitors can also lose points for failing to properly complete certain other tasks.

Competitors earn subjective points based on safety, control, style, poise, and creativity at the discretion of the judges. A competitor can be penalized for unsafe or uncontrolled acts at the discretion of the Event Head Judge. The Event Head Judge shall issue an audible warning to the competitor should this occur. A second unsafe or uncontrolled act may result in disqualification. The time limit for this event will be determined during the set-up period.

Detailed rules for the 10 bell challenge and the work climb are available below.

We we’re pleased to invite climbers of all levels Novice, Expert or Premier to participate in the ARB Show Open 2024 part of the ARB Show. Climbers equipment met competition rules and current best practice and industry standards.

*The ARB Show Open was formerly known as the 3ATC Open

The ARB Show Open Results 2024

Work Climb

Friday Winners

Position Name
1st Lee Walker
2nd Jo Hedger
3rd Daniel McLoughlin

Saturday Winners

Position Name
1st Jo Davies
2nd Ludovic Rambert
3rd Tom Thomson

Ten Bell Challenge

Friday Winners

Position Name
1st Lee Walker
2nd Jo Hedger
3rd Toby Cheung

Saturday Winners

Position Name
1st Tom Thomson
2nd Matyas Molnar
3rd Max Bartlett

Please note:

  • All activities aloft including the Work Climb event must be carried out using a personal fall protection system, comprising SRT and/or MRT, including a backup system.
  • Ticket price includes entry for ARB Show on the day of your climb only.