
Dr Tom Hall Library

Arboricultural Association, Tom Hall bequest – catalogue information.

Dr Tom Hall

Dr Tom Hall

In 2013, the late Dr Thomas Hall’s wide-ranging collection of books (and a number of AA Journal issues) on arboriculture were bequeathed to the Arboricultural Association.

The collection has now been catalogued for the exclusive use of Arboricultural Association members.

The cataloguing is based on Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, 2nd edition (AACR2). AACR2 is a cataloguing code published jointly by the American Library Association, the Canadian Library Association, and the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in the UK. Its principles include cataloguing from the item, rather than inferring from sources, and it complies with the International Standard Bibliographical Description.

The spreadsheet Catalogue AA as of 1st April 2014

The first sheet is an alphabetical listing of the complete collection.

Items are listed in alphabetical order of author.

Those items without a named author, are listed first – again in alphabetical order.

The Dr Tom Hall bequeathed library available to Arboricultural Association members


The cataloguer has followed cataloguing conventions by ignoring a, an or the for filing purposes should, should they be the first word of a title (ie The causes of tropical deforestation is filed under causes not The).


The cataloguer has also followed cataloguing conventions in interfiling authors’ names beginning with Mac or Mc (ie McCullen comes before MacDonald).


Not every item has an ISBN, some have 10 digit ISBNs and some 13 digit. Occasionally an item has a 9 digit SBN (Standard Book Number, before they became International).


Standard abbreviations used are:

Ed – edition
Enl – enlarged
Rev – revised

Publication date

The cataloguer has followed cataloguing conventions in putting a c (for copyright date) in front of those dates which are copyright dates rather than publication dates.

Finding/shelf number

Bookcase 1 = the bookcase nearest the main window in the library.

Shelf numbers go from top to bottom.

The finding / shelf number and date catalogued (month and year) are pencilled on the first convenient page in each book (sometimes not the first page, if it is heavily illustrated).

“Subject headed” spreadsheet worksheets

The bookcases are labelled with general subject headings, corresponding to the labelling on the boxes they arrived in.

Using the library

If members are interested in making use of the library or reading one of the books, they are asked to contact the office and book a date and time convenient to them and the room. Light refreshments can be made available upon request. Books are NOT permitted to be removed from the library.

Download the Excel catalogue