

AA Practice Notes abuse adaptive growth approved contractor ARB Approved Contractor Arboricultural Association Arborist Arborists ash dieback Asian assessment Atypical Myopathy bad arborist bat conservation trust bats become an approved contractor benefit benefits Benefits of Trees beware Biosecurity bird nesting season birds bleeding blocked drain blog boundary bracing branches british bats BS5837 building callus careers cavity certification CHIP clear Climbing code of ethics code of practice colleges common law communication complain complaints conservation conservation areas construction consultant Contractor conversion Convictions coppicing Coronavirus CoSHH council council land court COVID-19 crown crown lifting crown raising crown reduction crown thinning danger of felling dangerous dangers deadwood defamation definitions diagnostic service dieback directive directory discrimination disease dispute Distance driveway duty of care ear defenders ecologist education ethics european habitats directive felling licences Finance fines forum fruit trees fungus glossary good arborist good climbing practice ground nesting birds guidance Guides habitat hammering harassment harmful hazardous substances health health & safety health and safety heavy clay hedge height helliwell help and advice help for arborists HMRC hollow tree Hornet horses HSE initials injury Insects intrusive i-Tree ivy land registry legal requirements legislation lifting equipment light light loss local councils local planning authority LOLER lopping loss maternity minimum recommended distance mobile phone monetary value music nail neighbour nesting nesting birds directive noise at work Oak Processionary Moth OPM penalty permission personal protective equipment pests Pests and Diseases phone usage phones up trees planning consent planning system point value policies post nominals PPE problem tree professional conduct property protection proximity pruning qualifications radio reasonable care registered consultant regulations restrictive covenants risk assessment risk to health road management roost roots Rope Royal Veterinary College safe safety schedule 5 schedule 6 Security site clearance sites of special scientific interest smothering Specialists study subsidence sycamore Talking Trees TDAG Technical Technique terminology The British Horse Society time of year tool box talk topping tpo traffic management training Tree Tree Advice Trust Tree Aftercare tree assessment tree consultant Tree Establishment Tree Health tree management tree officer tree ownership Tree Planting tree preservation order tree roots Tree Species Selection Tree Specifiers tree surgeon tree valuation Tree Watering trees trees causing cracks trolling Two Rope unsafe Urban Urban Trees verbal abuse VETcert vibration levels victimisation videos Water Management Watering wildlife wildlife and countryside act Women In Arboriculture working at height working equipment


View the Introductory Guide to Young Tree Establishment Sieries

Tree Advice Trust

 23/03/2018    Last Modified: 07/08/2023

Tree Advice Trust Archives

Code Title Date
Code Title Date
ARN01 Control of Conker Formation 2005
ARN02 Elms Resistant to Dutch Elm Disease 1996
ARN05 Plastic Mesh Tree Guards 1987
ARN07 Oak Wilt 2010
ARN08 Damage to Broadleaved Seedlings by Desiccation 1979
ARN11 Insects Pests – What Kind of Control? 2010
ARN12 Summer Branch Drop 1989
ARN13 English Elm Regeneration 1994
ARN16 Decay and Disintegration of Dead Elms 1982
ARN17 Insects Pests – What Kind of Control? 1982
ARN18 The Detection of Decay in Trees with Particular Reference to the use of the Shigometer 2012
ARN19 Coppice 1988
ARN21 Coppice – Updated 2010
ARN22 Root Deformation by Biodegradable Containers 1980
ARN25 Canker Stain of Plane 2010
ARN29 The Native and Exotic Trees in Britain 1981
ARN35 Winter Shelter for Agricultural Stock 2010
ARN36 Tree Roots and Underground Pipes 1997
ARN37 Reclamation of Surface Workings for Trees I. Landforms and Cultivation 2010
ARN39 Coryneum Canker of Monterey Cypress and Related Trees 2010
ARN40 Tree Staking 2012
ARN44 The Effects of Tree Species on Vegetation and Nutrient Supply in Lowland Britain 2010
ARN45 Cobweb Fungus 2010
ARN46 Anthracnose of London Plane 2010
ARN47 Crown Damage to London Plane 2010
ARN48 A Definition of the Best Pruning Position 2012
ARN50 Nutrition of Broadleaved Amenity Trees I.
Foliar Sampling and Analysis for Determining Nutrient Status
ARN53 Chemical Weeding-Hand Held Direct Applicators 2010
ARN54 Control of Epicormic Shoots on Amenity Trees 1989
ARN55 The Knopper Gall 2012
ARN56 Dormant Tree Seeds and their Pre (Sowing) Treatment 2012
ARN57 The Brown-Tail Moth 2012
ARN58 Phytophthora Root Disease 2012
ARN59 The Effects of Weed Competition on Tree Establishment 2012
ARN60 Oak Defoliation 2012
ARN61 Fungicide Treatments for Control of Dutch Elm Disease 2012
ARN63 Treeshelters 1987
ARN64 Rough Handling Reduces the Viabiity of Planting Stock 2012
ARN66 Planting Success Rates – Standard Trees 2012
ARN67 A Comparison of the Survival and Growth of Transplants, Whips and Standards,
with and without Chemical Weed Control
ARN68 Lightning Damage to Trees in Britain 2012
ARN69 Do Soil Ameliorants Help Tree Establishment? 1987
ARN71 Black Polythene Mulches to Aid Tree Establishment 2012
ARN72 Sheet Mulches: Suitable Materials and how to use them 2012
ARN73 Treatment of Storm-Damaged Trees 2012
ARN74 Protecting Trees from Field Voles 1993
ARN75 Alginure Root Dip and Tree Establishment 2012
ARN76 Sewage Sludge as a Fertilizer in Amenity and Reclamation Plantings 2012
ARN77 Stakes and Ties 1989
ARN78 Marssonina Canker and Leaf Sopt (Anthracnose) of Weeping Willows 1989
ARN79 Scab and Black Canker of Willow 2012
ARN80 Cypress and Juniper Aphids 2012
ARN84 The Ultimate Size and Spread of Trees Commonly Grown in Towns 2012
ARN85 Propagation of Lowland Willows by Winter Cuttings 2012
ARN86 Organic Soil Amendments for Tree Establishment 2012
ARN87 Watermark Disease of Willows 2012
ARN88 Inoculation of Alder Seedlings Growth and Field Performance 2012
ARN89 Bats and Trees 1992
ARN90 The Establishment of Trees in New Hedgerows 1990
ARN91 The Establishment of Trees in Existing Hedgerows 1990
ARN92 The Use of Water Retentive Materials in Tree Pits 1990
ARN93 The Influence of Nursery Spacing on Outplanting Performance of Amenity Trees 1990
ARN94 Dieback of the Flowering Cherry, Prunus ‘Kanzan’ 1991
ARN95 The Management of Ancient Beech Pollards in Wood Pastures 2012
ARN96 Diagnosis of De-icing Salt Damage to Trees 2013
ARN97 Amenity Tree Planting with Care-Root Stock 2013
ARN98 Cell Grown Broadleaved Stock 1991
ARN99 Tolerance of Trees and Shrubs to De-icing Salt 1991
ARN100 Prevention and Amelioration of De-icing Salt Damage to Trees 1991
ARN101 Pine Shoot Beetles and Ball-rooted Semi-Mature Pines 1991
ARN102 Improving the Growth of Established Amenity Trees: Site Physical Conditions 1991
ARN103 Improving the Growth of Established Amenity Trees: Fertilizer and Weed Control 1991
ARN104 Lime Trees and Aphids 1992
ARN105 Occurrence of Decline and Dieback of Oak in Great Britain 1992
ARN107 Blight to Trees Caused by Vegetation Control Machinery 1992
ARN109 Treatment of Tree Wounds 1992
ARN110 Water Tables and Trees 1993
ARN111 Bleeding Canker of Caucasian Lime (Tilia x euchlora) 1992
ARN112 Nutrient Injection into Trees 1993
ARN113 Compressed Air Soil Injection Around Amenity Trees 1993
ARN115 Using Steel Rods to Assess Aeration in Urban Soils 1993
ARN116 A Comparison of ‘target’ Pruning, Versus Flush Cuts and Stub Pruning 1993
ARN117 Choosing the Time of the Year to Prune Trees 1993
ARN118 Fireblight of Ornamental Trees and Shrubs 1996
ARN119 De-icing Salt Damage to Trees – The Current Position 1994
ARN120 Pre-View Cable and TV Routes 1994


The Arboricultural Association is pleased to announce that, following discussions with the trustees of the former Tree Advice Trust, the intellectual property relating to the Arboriculture Research Notes, Information Notes, and Practice Advice Notes will be made freely available on the Association’s website. The Board of the Association wishes to thank the Trust (and in particular Derek Patch) for the opportunity to share this material, which ensures the ongoing provision of impartial and authoritative information on tree matters. The information thus made available was believed to be accurate at the time it was produced by the Trust, but neither the Association nor the Trust nor any existing or former board member or officer of either organisation takes any responsibility for its continuing accuracy or for its applicability in any particular situation. The Association will from time to time be reviewing how the material can most appropriately be updated and further disseminated.

Tree Advice Trust