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View the Introductory Guide to Young Tree Establishment Sieries

Can I get my neighbour to cut back or reduce the height of their trees or hedge?  In most situations the simple answer to this is  no . You have a common law right to prune back parts of a tree or hedge growing over the boundary into your property  (subject to any legal restrictions being overcome first such as Tree Preservation Orders or conservation area...
 23/11/2015      15:36
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Where can I find a registered contractor?  If the building work proposed requires planning consent, all trees which could potentially be affected by the development (including those off-site) should be assessed by an arboricultural consultant in accordance with British Standard BS5837 Trees in Relation to Construction...
 27/10/2015      12:53
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Verbal abuse, Trolling on Social Media and Defamation: Legal Pointers  If anyone posts or says something that makes you feel uncomfortable or which upsets you or makes you angry, report it: Every social media platform (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc.) has a reporting section that you should use for any abuse received online. There are variou...
 25/03/2019      14:30
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A brief guide to legislation for trees  The following advice applies to England only and is for guidance purposes only. Some trees are protected by legislation, and it is essential that you establish the legal status of trees prior to carrying out works to them. Unauthorised work to protected trees could lead to pr...
 24/11/2015      15:53
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What should I do to make sure that Bats are not affected?  All British Bat species are protected by law  and many bats roost in trees; although some bat species have adapted to living in buildings, trees still remain important throughout the year for most of the UK’s 16 species. Suitable trees are becoming fewer and further between ...
 24/11/2015      08:33
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What is the Helliwell system and how much is a “point”?  The Helliwell System is one of several methods of placing a monetary value on the visual amenity provided by individual trees and/or woodland. It has been extensively used in court cases, insurance claims and public inquiries to place visual amenity values on individual tree...
 24/11/2015      15:34
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Bats and trees: Who does what where!  There are currently 18 species of bats resident in the UK, many of which use trees in their daily activities. Just as people use trees for different purposes, different bat species use trees in different ways. Food: The UK’s bats are all insectivorous. As trees encourag...
 19/03/2018      11:22
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Oak Processionary Moth Management Specialists  The Arboricultural Association has collated the following list of “ARB Approved Contractors” (ArbACs) who either currently undertake Oak Processionary Moth (OPM) management / eradication services or have stated they have the skills and equipment available to do so. Please not...
 22/07/2019      09:16
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When is the bird nest season?  The ‘Bird Nesting Season’ is officially from February until August (Natural England) and it is recommended that vegetation works (tree or hedge cutting) or site clearance should be done outside of the nesting season. However, in reality the nesting period may start before thi...
 24/11/2015      08:39
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Atypical Myopathy Joint Position Statement  Arboricultural Association and British Horse Society joint policy statement on Felling of Sycamore trees in relation to Atypical Myopathy: A statement for arborists and horse owners Introduction This 2022 document is a revision of the previous joint document issued by the ...
 29/01/2018      08:59
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