How can I ensure that the equipment I use meets the statutory regulations?
Work Equipment Legal requirements The primary objective of the Provision
and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) is to ensure that work equipment should not result in health
and safety risks, regardless of its age, condition or origin
and that it should be ...


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Bats and trees: Who does what where!
There are currently 18 species of bats resident in the UK, many of which use trees in their daily activities. Just as people use trees for different purposes, different bat species use trees in different ways. Food: The UK’s bats are all insectivorous. As trees encourag...


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Personal Fall Protection Systems – An Update
Simon Richmond , Senior Technical Officer Following the announcement in the Autumn issue of the ARB Magazine (issue 186, page 7) that the HSE is now requiring full compliance with the Work at Height Regulations in relation to tree climbing operations, there has been much ...


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I do not know who owns a tree, which is causing me concern – who do I contact?
Local Councils do not hold records of land ownership,
and therefore cannot advise on the ownership of trees, you should contact the Land Registry who hold details of land ownership. A charge is made for this service.


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How can I diagnose problems with my tree?
If your tree is showing symptoms of ill health, which may be related to pest or disease, cultural or other reasons, samples may be sent to the following organisations for analysis. Please note: charges apply for these services. The Forestry Commission
and its tree health di...


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Arboricultural Association Safety Guides
This series of Safety Guides has been developed to help operators
and those responsible for their supervision, e.g. the ‘Competent Person’, to identify the key safety points in relation to activities involving tree work at height. Each Safety Guide relates to a specific rang...


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Sexual Discrimination, Harassment or Victimisation at Work: Legal Pointers
Please remember if you would like to talk to the Women in Arboriculture Group about a situation you or a colleague are experiencing working in the industry we can be contacted on Under The Equality Act 2010 (the "Act"), you are protected from se...


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What are the regulations for working at height?
WORKING AT HEIGHT REGULATIONS 2005 Introduction After some well publicised delays, the Work at Height Regulations 2005 came into force on 6 April 2005. They implement the European Temporary Work at Height Directive (2001/45/EEC) ,
and are intended to reduce deaths an...


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What are my legal requirements for Health and Safety?
Legal requirements: Health
and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HaSWA or ‘the Act’) Section 2(3) requires all organisations etc. to have a policy for managing health
and safety. Where 5 or more people are employed the policy should be written down*. Management of Health


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What regulations are there for handling of hazardous substances?
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 What is it? CoSHH applies to employers
and the self-employed in order to reduce the risks of exposure to harmful substances. You are responsible for taking effective measures to control exposure
and protect health...


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