Oak Processionary Moth FAQ
FAQ – Oak processionary moth interceptions and strengthened national measures July 2019 CURRENT SITUATION What is the current situation? The government’s Plant Health Service is dealing with findings
of oak processionary moth caterpillars on recently imported oak
trees. A...


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Where can I find a registered contractor?
If the building work proposed requires planning consent, all
trees which could potentially be affected by the development (including those off-site) should be assessed by an arboricultural consultant in accordance with British Standard BS5837
Trees in Relation to Construction...


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Sexual Discrimination, Harassment or Victimisation at Work: Legal Pointers
Please remember if you would like to talk to the Women in Arboriculture Group about a situation you or a colleague are experiencing working in the industry we can be contacted on wia@
trees.org.uk Under The Equality Act 2010 (the "Act"), you are protected from se...


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Benefits of Urban Trees
Download the PDF Source


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What are the regulations for working at height?
WORKING AT HEIGHT REGULATIONS 2005 Introduction After some well publicised delays, the Work at Height Regulations 2005 came into force on 6 April 2005. They implement the European Temporary Work at Height Directive (2001/45/EEC) , and are intended to reduce deaths an...


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Background to the HSE decision on two rope working
History The issue
of guidance to climbing arborists on the use
of ‘two separate and independently anchored lines’ as a
legal requirement goes back to 2003 when the EU Directive on Work at Height was circulated and to the subsequent introduction
of the Work at Height Regulati...


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What are my legal requirements for Health and Safety?
Legal requirements: Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HaSWA or ‘the Act’) Section 2(3) requires all organisations etc. to have a policy for managing health and safety. Where 5 or more people are employed the policy should be written down*. Management
of Health and...


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How do I select the right Tree Surgeon?
1 When making an appointment with an ARB Approved Contractor clients should advise the contractor whether advice on
trees is required, or if a specification for works already exists against which the contractor’s quotation is sought 2 Clients are advised to obtain mor...


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Help for arborists
Help for Arborists is a library
of generic and arb-specific guidance resources available for members to download and use. Help for arborists Here you can find generic HSE guidance and also the AA’s arb-specific guidance in the form
of templates, proformas and associated ...


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So what actions can contractors take to ensure compliance to the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981?
A few things that contractors should consider putting in place: Tool box talk in regards to nesting birds: what to look for and what to do if there is nesting activity within the
trees or vegetation being worked on. Record on all pre-works wildlife assessments e.g. ‘no nest...


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