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The Arboricultural Association offers a grant annually to support research into a relevant arboricultural topic.
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‘What piece of advice would you give to local authorities who might be at the beginning of this journey?’
Groundbreaking project successfully trains detection dogs to specifically identify tree pathogen
At the beginning of September, I was tasked with leading a workshop at the Arboricultural Association Conference.
Two landmark reports released today by the Environmental Horticulture Group (EHG) and Oxford Economics reveal that the environmental horticulture industry has the potential to support GDP...
Securing the future of the biggest London plane in the UK
The 2012 standard is soon to be superseded and, this change will have a significant impact on our industry.
This showcase explores Gallaccio’s ongoing dialogue between art and nature, with a focus on the rich natural heritage of Kent.
Tree Architecture and Morphophysiology Symposium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: 7–8 April 2025
£280,000 is being invested in a new forestry-related skills and training fund by the Welsh Government