Completing the Urban Tree Life-Cycle
Fund4Trees Shifts Focus to Aftercare
Fund4Trees has been planting trees in schools nationwide since 2011. However, in the last few years our focus has changed from tree planting to aftercare, with our emphasis now being on the all-important goal of tree establishment. To reflect this step-change, we have remodelled our annual bike ride to highlight the important role that aftercare plays in the life-cycle of urban trees. With an intentional play on words: the urban tree life-cycle.
The concept is that mature trees in towns and cities are pivotal to the quality of urban living. And importantly, as these die/are removed, their replacement as the next generation of urban trees is vital. However, to achieve successful establishment, aftercare is essential and a crucial link in the urban tree life-cycle. Unfortunately, this is often overlooked with a ‘plant and walk away’ approach or with insufficient aftercare budgets, resulting in affected trees being left to die or survive only in moribund state: never achieving therefore the ecosystem or landscape benefits for which they were planted. Fund4Trees asserts that to successfully complete the urban tree life-cycle and realise the benefits of urban trees we need to change the narrative from one of tree planting to tree establishment.
Our Urban Tree Life-Cycle this September, will take place over two-days. On day one (a 100 mile ‘hard-core’ bike ride) and in city one, an end-of-life tree will be dismantled and if site conditions allow it will be vetranised (thereby extending its life). School children will be invited to attend and to then plant a replacement tree nearby using woodchip mulch from the dismantled tree. Logs will be habitat-piled again if site conditions allow. On day two and in city two, tree aftercare workshops will be delivered in three schools on a 20 mile social bike ride. With these connected workshops and linking the schools together via social media, we will be able to demonstrate the urban tree’s life-cycle and the importance of aftercare in tree establishment. From this remodelled national event, we also aim to raise corporate sponsorship to fund our vital research.
If you want to sign-up for the ride or are interested in sponsorship opportunities contact
Source: Fund4Trees