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Following the success of our 2017 Conference, ‘Biosecurity: Protect & Survive’, where His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales provided the opening address, the Association is releasing a series of videos featuring prominent figures highlighting the importance of various aspects of biosecurity.
DEFRA’s Chief Plant Health Officer Nicola Spence explaining the principles of plant protection.
Raoul Curtis-Machin, Director of Horticulture at the Horticultural Trade Association, explains how Xylella has affected his members and who must take responsibility when it comes to biosecurity.
Lord Framlingham explained that we need a combined effort to get the message out.
Shireen Chambers of the Institute of Chartered Foresters about the possible impact of biosecurity on our parks and woodlands.
John Parker, chair of the London Tree Officers Association explains how biosecurity issues affect Tree Officers and how they are working to combat them.
A brief guide to legislation for trees
A brief guide to tree work terminology and definitions
Can I get my neighbour to cut back or reduce the height of their trees or hedge?
Help for Arborists
How can I find out if the trees within my ownership are protected?
How close can I build to my tree?
How do I select the right Tree Surgeon?
When is the bird nest season?
Construction and Trees Guidance
Directory of AA Registered Consultants
Directory of ARB Approved Contractors
Guide to Tree Pruning
Guide to Trees and the Law
Help for Tree Owners
Trees and Wildlife Guidance
Tree Selection, Planting and Maintenance
Tree Surgeons and Tree Advisors – Guidance