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View the Introductory Guide to Young Tree Establishment Sieries

What practical qualifications and training do I need?  Legal Requirements The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974  and the  Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999  place general duties on employers and the self-employed to provide health and safety information and training.  Provision and Use of Work Equi...
 25/11/2015      09:40
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When and why do I need to do a risk assessment?  Risk Assessment Legal Requirements Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999  (MHSWR or ‘the Management Regs’)  Regulation 3  requires every employer to make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to the health and safety of his employees whil...
 25/11/2015      11:06
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My neighbours are unhappy that a tree growing in my garden overhangs their property and say that the  Under common law rights a neighbour can cut back any foliage that overhangs the boundary to the boundary line without reference to the owner of the tree/shrub (this includes roots!). If the tree is covered by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) or is growing within a Conservation...
 24/11/2015      08:15
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How can I diagnose problems with my tree If your tree is showing symptoms of ill health, which may be related to pest or disease, cultural or other reasons, samples may be sent to the following organisations for analysis. Please note: charges apply for these services. The Forestry Commission and its tree health di...
 13/12/2015      08:22
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How can I get a Tree Preservation Order made on a tree that I think is at risk of being felled or da  Your local council is responsible for making Tree Preservation Orders (TPO). You should contact your local authority and speak to the tree officer or someone in the planning department who should determine whether the making of a TPO is appropriate. Find your local counci...
 24/11/2015      16:05
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Power to the Bump - support for new mothers  In 2016 the Equality and Human Rights Commission/Department for Business, Innovation and Skills published research findings, which showed that young women are more likely to experience particular negative and potentially discriminatory experiences related to their pregnancy a...
 25/03/2019      13:58
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What are the typical services of an arboricultural contractor?  Services typically required of an arboricultural contractor are: Tree maintenance operations including pruning, and related works to relevant British Standards (see our  Tree Work Terminology  page) Tree planting operations and aftercare/establishment programmes Tree fell...
 12/12/2015      21:43
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Can I stop my neighbour building close to my tree You may be able to depending on the importance of the tree, the nature of the building proposed and distance between the proposed building and the tree in question. If the building work proposed requires planning consent, all trees which could potentially be affected by the ...
 23/11/2015      16:44
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I am worried that my neighbour’s tree is dangerous. What should I do?  If a tree growing on someone else’s land causes injury to someone or damage to property then the owner may be liable. If you think your neighbour’s tree might be dangerous then you should contact an arboricultural consultant for further advice. It is always best to settle a d...
 24/11/2015      08:22
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I have a tree which is outside my boundary and not under my control - whose responsibility is it?  The law is very clear with regard to a tree owner’s ‘duty of care’: Legally, the owner of the land is responsible for trees growing on their land. If the tree is growing on Council owned or managed land then you should contact your local Council.
 24/11/2015      08:18
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