A brief guide to tree work terminology and definitions
WHAT’S IN A WORD? Tree pruning may be necessary to maintain a tree in a safe condition, to remove dead branches, to promote growth, to regulate size
and shape or to improve the quality of flowers, fruit or timber. Improper pruning can lead to
trees becoming unsightly, dise...


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Our members code of ethics and professional conduct
It is worth noting that our members are bound by our code of ethics
and professional conduct: Code of Ethics Every member shall uphold the integrity of the profession. Every member shall strive for increasing an objective knowledge of
trees and of arboriculture in all t...


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Help for arborists
Help for Arborists is a library of generic
and arb-specific guidance resources available for members to download
and use. Help for arborists Here you can find generic HSE guidance
and also the AA’s arb-specific guidance in the form of templates, proformas
and associated ...


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My neighbours are unhappy that a tree growing in my garden overhangs their property and say that the
Under common law rights a neighbour can cut back any foliage that overhangs the boundary to the boundary line without reference to the owner of the tree/shrub (this includes roots!). If the tree is covered by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) or is growing within a Conservation...


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How can I get a Tree Preservation Order made on a tree that I think is at risk of being felled or da
Your local council is responsible for making Tree Preservation Orders (TPO). You should contact your local authority
and speak to the tree officer or someone in the planning department who should determine whether the making of a TPO is appropriate. Find your local counci...


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How can I diagnose problems with my tree?
If your tree is showing symptoms of ill health, which may be related to pest or disease, cultural or other reasons, samples may be sent to the following organisations for analysis. Please note: charges apply for these services. The Forestry Commission
and its tree health di...


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i-Tree Eco What is i-Tree Eco? i-Tree is a suite of open source, peer-reviewed
and continuously improved software tools developed by the USDA Forest Service
and collaborators to help urban foresters
and planners assess
and manage urban tree populations
and the ben...


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Why should I use an ARB Approved Contractor?
Contractors listed in our directory listing have submitted their businesses
and their tree work to the Arboricultural Association for assessment
and have been found competent to provide arboricultural contracting services to clients. The Arboricultural Association’s assessme...


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What are the regulations for working at height?
WORKING AT HEIGHT REGULATIONS 2005 Introduction After some well publicised delays, the Work at Height Regulations 2005 came into force on 6 April 2005. They implement the European Temporary Work at Height Directive (2001/45/EEC) ,
and are intended to reduce deaths an...


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Background to the HSE decision on two rope working
History The issue of guidance to climbing arborists on the use of ‘two separate
and independently anchored lines’ as a legal requirement goes back to 2003 when the EU Directive on Work at Height was circulated
and to the subsequent introduction of the Work at Height Regulati...


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