Atypical Myopathy Joint Position Statement
Arboricultural Association and British Horse Society joint policy statement on Felling
of Sycamore
trees in relation to Atypical Myopathy: A statement for arborists and horse owners Introduction This 2022 document is a revision
of the previous joint document issued by the ...


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Studying Arboriculture
Arborists can attain a host
of qualifications, from City & Guilds CS tickets all the way up to Masters and PhDs. Depending on which aspect
of managing
trees you want to work in you can find out what you need to do here.


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What are the working regulations for PPE (Personal Protective Equipment )?
Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations, 1992 What is it? The PPE regulations require that employers provide suitable protective equipment to employees except where the risk has been adequately controlled by other means which are equally or more effective. W...


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What are the typical services of an arboricultural contractor?
Services typically required
of an arboricultural contractor are: Tree maintenance operations including pruning, and related works to relevant British Standards (see our Tree Work Terminology page) Tree planting operations and aftercare/establishment programmes Tree fell...


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I'm worried about the safety of my tree - can a Council's tree officer come and inspect it? If not,
Council Tree Officers are not in post to give independent advice to the public about their
trees or to recommend individual contractors or consultants. We advise residents to seek help and advice when they are concerned from professionals who are approved by a recognised body...


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I have a tree which is outside my boundary and not under my control - whose responsibility is it?
The law is very clear with regard to a tree owner’s ‘duty
of care’: Legally, the owner
of the land is responsible for
trees growing on their land. If the tree is growing on Council owned or managed land then you should contact your local Council.


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I do not know who owns a tree, which is causing me concern – who do I contact?
Local Councils do not hold records
of land ownership, and therefore cannot advise on the ownership
of trees, you should contact the Land Registry who hold details
of land ownership. A charge is made for this service.


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When is the bird nest season?
The ‘Bird Nesting Season’ is officially from February until August (Natural England) and it is recommended that vegetation works (tree or hedge cutting) or site clearance should be done outside
of the nesting season. However, in reality the nesting period may start before thi...


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So what can we expect if we find ourselves in breach of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 act?
Magistrates’ Courts operate a tiered fines system dependent on the seriousness
of the offence. This could be up to £5000 or for the most serious offences an unlimited amount. Other alternative punishments issued by Magistrates’ Courts include a community sentence like unpaid ...


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Are there any times of year when tree works should not be undertaken?
Ideally tree works should not be undertaken during the spring time period, when the 'sap is rising' to enable the leaves to flush (come out) and photosynthesis to begin, and during the autumn, when the tree is drawing nutrients back into itself from the leaves as they go bro...


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