Two highly anticipated upcoming fungi publications are now available to order.
Fungi and Trees: Their complex relationships
by Professor Lynne Boddy MBE
The fascinating new book from Professor Lynne Boddy, one of the worlds' leading mycologists. The book is aimed at anyone who is interested in trees or fungi. Trees cannot exist in the natural environment without fungi, and their interactions are the underlying theme throughout ‘Fungi and Trees’.
Fungi on Trees: A photographic reference
by David Humphries and Christopher Wright
Order this must-have photographic reference, featuring in-depth biographies of 100 species of fungi found on trees. Illustrated with more than 900 colour photographs Annual and perennial sections cover brackets, clubs and balls, coral fungi, crusts, cushions, jellies, mushrooms, polypores, slime moulds, toothed fungi. Aimed at arboricultural professionals - and others with an interest in the subject - who want to improve their knowledge and understanding of fungi on trees.
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